The Sleepers
The Sleepers I WANDER all night in my vision, Stepping with light feet, swiftly and noiselessly stepping and stopping, Bending with open eyes over the shut […]
READ MOREThe Sobbing Of The Bells
The Sobbing Of The Bells THE sobbing of the bells, the sudden death-news everywhere, The slumberer’s rouse, the rapport of the People, (Full well they know […]
The Torch ON my northwest coast in the midst of the night, a fishermen’s group stands watching; Out on the lake, that expands before them, others […]
READ MOREThe Unexpressed
The Unexpressed How dare one say it? After the cycles, poems, singers, plays, Vaunted Ionia’s, India’s -Homer, Shakespeare -the long, long times, thick dotted roads, areas, […]
READ MOREThe Untold Want
The Untold Want THE untold want, by life and land ne’er granted, Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.
READ MOREThe World Below The Brine
The World Below The Brine THE world below the brine; Forests at the bottom of the sea–the branches and leaves, Sea-lettuce, vast lichens, strange flowers and […]
READ MOREThe Wound Dresser
The Wound Dresser 1 AN old man bending, I come, among new faces, Years looking backward, resuming, in answer to children, Come tell us, old man, […]
READ MOREThere Was A Child Went Forth
There Was A Child Went Forth THERE was a child went forth every day; And the first object he look’d upon, that object he became; And […]
READ MOREThese Carols
These Carols THESE Carols, sung to cheer my passage through the world I see, For completion, I dedicate to the Invisible World.
READ MOREThese, I, Singing In Spring
These, I, Singing In Spring THESE, I, singing in spring, collect for lovers, (For who but I should understand lovers, and all their sorrow and joy? […]