Hymn to Proserpine (After the Proclamation of the Christian)
Hymn to Proserpine (After the Proclamation of the Christian) Vicisti, Galilæe I have lived long enough, having seen one thing, that love hath an end; Goddess […]
READ MOREIn Guernsey – To Theodore Watts
In Guernsey – To Theodore Watts The heavenly bay, ringed round with cliffs and moors, Storm-stained ravines, and crags that lawns inlay, Soothes as with love […]
In Harbour I. Goodnight and goodbye to the life whose signs denote us As mourners clothed with regret for the life gone by; To the waters […]
READ MOREIn Memory of Walter Savage Landor
In Memory of Walter Savage Landor Back to the flower-town, side by side, The bright months bring, New-born, the bridegroom and the bride, Freedom and spring. […]
READ MOREIn San Lorenzo
In San Lorenzo Is thine hour come to wake, O slumbering Night? Hath not the Dawn a message in thine ear? Though thou be stone and […]
In Sark Abreast and ahead of the sea is a crag’s front cloven asunder With strong sea-breach and with wasting of winds whence terror is shed […]
In the Bay I Beyond the hollow sunset, ere a star Take heart in heaven from eastward, while the west, Fulfilled of watery resonance and rest, […]
READ MOREInsularum Ocelle
Insularum Ocelle Sark, fairer than aught in the world that the lit skies cover, Laughs inly behind her cliffs, and the seafarers mark As a shrine […]
Itylus Swallow, my sister, O sister swallow, How can thine heart be full of the spring? A thousand summers are over and dead. What hast thou […]
READ MORELeave-Taking
Leave-Taking Let us go hence, my songs; she will not hear. Let us go hence together without fear; Keep silence now, for singing-time is over, And […]