Witter Bynner

Witter Bynner

Witter Bynner (1881-1968) was an American poet, translator, and editor. He was a member of the early 20th-century literary circle…

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Albert Ferland

Albert Ferland

Albert Ferland (1872-1943) was a Canadian poet who wrote in French and is known for his works that celebrate the…

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Alice Cary

Alice Cary

Alice Cary (1820-1871) was an American poet who was known for her exploration of nature and domestic life in her…

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Annie Walker

Annie Walker

Annie Louisa Walker (1836-1907) was an English poet and writer. She was a prolific writer, and her works often explored…

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Bayard Taylor

Bayard Taylor

Bayard Taylor (1825-1878) was an American poet, literary critic, translator, and travel writer. He is known for his extensive travel…

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Caroline Clive

Caroline Clive

Caroline Clive (1801-1873) was a British poet and novelist known for her romantic and sentimental works. She wrote several volumes…

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Charles Peguy

Charles Peguy

Charles Péguy (1873-1914) was a French poet, essayist, and philosopher. He was a major influence on the Catholic intellectual movement…

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Constance Woolson

Constance Woolson

Constance Fenimore Woolson (1840-1894) was an American novelist and poet. She was associated with the American literary realism movement and…

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Donald Davidson

Donald Davidson

Donald Davidson (1893-1968) was an American poet and literary critic known for his lyric poetry and his influence on the…

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Edward FitzGerald

Edward FitzGerald

Edward FitzGerald (1809-1883) was an English poet and translator best known for his translation of the "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,"…

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Emile Verhaeren

Emile Verhaeren

Emile Verhaeren (1855-1916) was a Belgian poet and essayist known for his contributions to the Symbolist and Art Nouveau movements.…

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Federico Lorca

Federico Lorca

Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) was a Spanish poet, playwright, and musician known for his surreal and symbolic works. He wrote…

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