Otomo Yakamochi

Otomo Yakamochi

Otomo no Yakamochi (718–785) was a Japanese poet and politician known for his collection of poetry, the Manyoshu. His works…

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Phoebe Cary

Phoebe Cary

Phoebe Cary (1824-1871): An American poet and author known for her sentimental and domestic verse. She was part of a…

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Richard Corbet

Richard Corbet

Richard Corbet (1582-1635) was an English poet and bishop, known for his witty and satirical verse. His works include "The…

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Robert Schauffler

Robert Schauffler

Robert Haven Schauffler (1879-1964): An American poet and essayist known for his works that explore themes such as nature, travel,…

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Sa di

Sa di

Sa'di (c. 1213-1291) was a Persian poet and writer who is best known for his works "Bustan" and "Gulistan," which…

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Sim Hun

Sim Hun

Sim Hun (1901-1968) was a Korean poet and literary critic who is known for his modernist poetry and essays. He…

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St Gracious

St Gracious

St Nerses the Gracious (1102-1173) was an Armenian Catholicos, poet, and saint. He is known for his religious and devotional…

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Theognis Theognis

Theognis Theognis

Theognis (6th century BCE) was a Greek poet known for his elegiac poetry and his reflections on social and political…

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Thomas Percy

Thomas Percy

Thomas Percy (1729-1811) was an English bishop and scholar who is known for his work in collecting and preserving ancient…

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Vera Brittain

Vera Brittain

Vera Brittain (1893-1970) was a British writer, poet, and pacifist, best known for her memoir "Testament of Youth" which recounts…

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Willa Cather

Willa Cather

Willa Sibert Cather (1873-1947) was an American writer who is best known for her novels and short stories set in…

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William Hunnis

William Hunnis

William Hunnis (died 1597) was an English poet and musician who served as the Master of the Children of the…

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