Hymn To The Nation
July 5, 2023The Torture of Cuauhtemoc
July 5, 2023A Dream of Glory
True glory on the earth is seldom seen,
Tho’ sought by many with a jealous eye;
For where the heavenly birth has ever been,
The heedless footsteps of the world pass by.
The fairest blooms are born of humble weeds,
That faint and perish in the pathless wood;
And out of bitter life grow noble deeds,
To pass unnoticed in the multitude.
But reared by care, within the garden neat,
Luxuriant chances beautify the whole;
While poison lurks beneath each painted sweet,
And shoots a sorrow thro’ the admiring soul.
Poor homeless hearts, unpitied by mankind,
And fortunes shattered in the adverse blast,
Are signals that have marked the march of mind,
Through boasted civ’lization’s glorious past.
The dauntless will that scorns threat’ning defeat,
And breaks thro’ penury’s strong prison bars;
Can plant on triumphs proud his tow’ring feet,
And walk a shining highway to the stars.